At the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, filmmaker Brady Corbet, who won Best Director for The Brutalist, took a moment to send his love and support to Aubrey Plaza, just days after the death of her husband, Jeff Baena. Corbet ended his speech by saying, “Tonight, my heart is with Aubrey Plaza and Jeff’s family,” showing his care for the grieving actress.
Baena, who was 47, passed away at his California home on Friday. The cause of death was suicide, according to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner. Baena was a well-known director and screenwriter, famous for films like Life After Beth and The Little Hours, both of which starred Plaza. He had also written the film I Heart Huckabees. He and Plaza had been together since 2010 and were married in 2020.
Plaza had been scheduled to present at the Golden Globes on Sunday but was absent from the event following Baena’s death. In response to the sad news, many celebrities have shared messages of support for Plaza and mourned Baena’s loss.
On Plaza’s recent Instagram post, actress Julia Fox expressed her condolences, writing, “Sending you so much love.” Selma Blair also shared her sympathy, saying, “No words can touch this painful time. Only love and strength and support from everyone. I am so sorry.”
Alison Brie, who worked with Baena on films like Horse Girl, also posted on social media, remembering Baena with a heartfelt message: “Rest in peace, my friend.” Adam Pally, another actor who worked with Baena, shared his sadness on Instagram, saying, “My heart breaks for my friend Aubrey and the Baena family and for all of us who spent time on his sets or at his house or in his orbit.”
Plaza and Baena’s relationship had been well-known in the entertainment industry, and many of their colleagues are mourning the loss of both Baena and the impact it’s having on Plaza. The outpouring of love from their peers shows how deeply Baena was appreciated in the film world, and the support for Plaza is a reminder of how much her friends and colleagues care for her during this difficult time.