During an interview on The Drew Barrymore Show, Lisa Kudrow shared a touching story about a gift she received from her late Friends co-star Matthew Perry. Kudrow revealed that Perry had given her the iconic Friends cookie jar as a parting gift after the show wrapped up in January 2004. Recently, she discovered a note he had left inside the jar, which she hadn’t noticed until now. While she chose not to reveal the contents of the note, Kudrow reflected on the significance of finding it, saying, “Timing is everything.”
The story came up when Drew Barrymore asked if Kudrow had ever taken any props from a set. While Kudrow admitted to taking some items, she hesitated to share specifics, leading Barrymore to ask about the cookie jar. Kudrow explained how Perry had gifted it to her after their last episode, and she was surprised to find the heartfelt note hidden inside after all these years. She described forgetting about the note and how meaningful it was to come across it now.
Kudrow, Perry, and their fellow Friends cast members—Jennifer Aniston, Matt LeBlanc, Courteney Cox, and David Schwimmer—spent a decade working together on the beloved NBC sitcom. Over 236 episodes, the cast formed a close bond. Perry tragically passed away in October 2023 at the age of 54. Following his death, Kudrow shared a heartfelt Instagram tribute, expressing gratitude for their time together. She recalled how Perry always made her laugh to the point of tears and thanked him for his brilliance, dedication, and the lessons he taught her about grace and love.
In her tribute, Kudrow also acknowledged Perry’s perseverance, noting how he showed up to work even when he wasn’t feeling well and still delivered an incredible performance. She described their decade together as the best years of her life and expressed deep gratitude for the friendship they shared.
Kudrow also revealed in a separate interview that the Friends cast only reunited once in the 17 years between the series finale in 2004 and the filming of Friends: The Reunion in 2021. Her story about Perry’s note and her emotional tribute highlight the deep bond the cast shared, even as their paths diverged over the years.