Charlotte Jordan, known for her role as Daisy Midgeley in Coronation Street, has announced her decision to leave the show. At 29 years old, the actress is ready to move on to new opportunities after spending four memorable years on the long-running ITV series. Her portrayal of Daisy earned her the award for Best Dramatic Performance at the 2023 British Soap Awards, a testament to her talent and dedication.
Reflecting on her time on the show, Charlotte expressed deep gratitude, calling her experience on Coronation Street something she will always cherish. She shared her appreciation for her colleagues and the lessons she learned from being part of such an iconic series. While the decision wasn’t easy, Charlotte felt it was the right moment to begin a new chapter in her career.
During her time on the soap, Charlotte tackled several dramatic and challenging storylines. Daisy’s character was involved in a multi-level marketing scheme, endured stalking by Justin Rutherford (played by Andrew Still), and faced a harrowing acid attack alongside Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott). These intense plots showcased Charlotte’s acting range and earned her widespread praise.
According to a source, Charlotte informed the production team about her decision to leave as early as April 2024 when she began her latest contract. This gave the show’s producers and writers ample time to craft a compelling exit storyline for Daisy, which is already unfolding on screen. Fans can expect to see Charlotte on the show until early summer 2025.
Charlotte’s departure comes as other notable cast members, including Colson Smith (Craig Tinker), Sue Cleaver (Eileen Grimshaw), and Luca Toolan (Mason Radcliffe), have also announced their exits. Additionally, there are rumors that Sue Devaney’s character, Debbie Webster, might be written out of the series.
The show’s current producer, Kate Brooks, who took over creative responsibilities in April 2024, has assured fans that Coronation Street will continue to thrive despite the recent changes. However, reports of budget cuts for both Coronation Street and Emmerdale have raised concerns among viewers.
While fans will surely miss Charlotte Jordan’s presence on the show, her departure marks an exciting new phase for the talented actress, who is eager to explore fresh challenges and expand her horizons.