In a heartbreaking turn of events, James Lee Williams, known by their stage name The Vivienne, has tragically passed away at the age of 32. The news was confirmed by their manager, Simon Jones, who shared the devastating announcement via Instagram. The Vivienne made history as the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK in 2019, becoming the first queen to take home the crown in the UK version of the hit show.
Williams was not only beloved for their sharp wit and comedic timing but also for their vocal impersonations, particularly that of former U.S. President Donald Trump. The Vivienne’s journey on the show also highlighted their candidness about struggles with substance abuse and recovery, making them an inspiring figure to many.
RuPaul, the iconic host of Drag Race, shared a tribute to The Vivienne, saying, “With a broken heart, I join the entire Drag Race universe in mourning the loss of The Vivienne. An incredibly talented queen and a lovely human being.”
Prior to their passing, The Vivienne returned to compete on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 7 in 2022, where former winners competed to become the first queen to win the show twice. Their legacy in the Drag Race universe is undeniable, and they will be remembered for the joy and talent they brought to the stage.
James Lee Williams’ family has requested privacy during this difficult time, asking for space to process their grief. In the wake of their passing, many fans and fellow queens from the Drag Race franchise have shared their heartfelt tributes, celebrating The Vivienne’s incredible impact on the drag community.
The Vivienne’s death marks the latest in a series of tragic losses from the Drag Race family, joining other contestants who have passed away, including Sahara Davenport, Chi Chi DeVayne, and Cherry Valentine. The Drag Race community will continue to honor The Vivienne’s legacy and the immense talent they brought to the world.